Hemolytic disease and neonatal jaundice
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Mixed-effects regression
- Calculate rh_negative_prop
- Rhogam doses adjustment
- Not first-born adjustment
- EHB & kernicterus adjustment (from RH negativity)
- EHB & kernicterus adjustment (from g6pd)
- EHB & kernicterus adjustment (from preterm birth)
- Calculate proportion of all other births
- EHB & kernicterus adjustment (from other births)
- Combine EHB & kernicterus prevalence from etiologies
- SMR to EMR
- DisMod-MR 2.1
- Severity splits
- 1ab. Generalized epidemics
- 2ab. Concentrated epidemics with vital statistics
Hookworm disease
- Comorbidity Correction
- Prepare data for ST-GPR
- Compute age-specific ratios; apply ratio to ST-GPR output
- Compute proportion of cases that belong to health states
- Apply health state proportions to overall hookworm envelope
- Estimate prevlanece of severe wasting due to hookworm
- Estimate prevalence of asymptomatic hookworm
- Dismod-MR 2.1
- YLD Calculation
Hospital Envelope
Incidence, prevalence, YLD estimation- cancer
- Incidence
- Prevalence
- 3. Model survival ~ MIR relationship in SEER
- 4. Predict survival from MI ratios using SEER models
- 5. Scale SEER survival curve for each country according to (predicted/SEER) proportion
- 6. Adjust for background mortality
- Survival dataset
- 7. Combine survival data with final incidence estimates for prevalence estimates
- Distribution of total cancer prevalence into 4 sequelae
- Cancer procedure estimation
Inflammatory bowel disease
- 1. Nonfatal health outcome estimation for IBD due to Ulcerative Colitis (UC)
- Calculate 3 correction factors
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Convert claims to cases, Apply age and sex restrictions, Aggregate
- Convert inpatient encounters to prevalent cases using correction factors, Apply age and sex restrictions, Aggregate
- DisMod-MR 2.1
- Exclusivity adjustment
- Format codes, Map to modeling causes
- MEPS analysis of symptomatic and asymptomatic proportions
- Adjustment for undiagnosed UC
- 2. Nonfatal health outcome estimation for IBD due to Crohn's Disease (CD)
- Calculate 3 correction factors
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Convert claims to cases, Apply age and sex restrictions, Aggregate
- Convert inpatient encounters to prevalent cases using correction factors, Apply age and sex restrictions, Aggregate
- DisMod-MR 2.1
- Exclusivity adjustment
- Format codes, Map to modeling causes
- MEPS analysis of symptomatic and asymptomatic proportions
- Adjustment for undiagnosed CD
- 3. Meta-Analysis
- 4. Anemia estimation
- Anemia causal attribution
Inguinal, femoral, and abdominal hernia
- Calculate 3 correction factors
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Convert claims to cases, Apply age and sex restrictions, Aggregate
- Convert inpatient encounters to prevalent cases using correction factors, Apply age and sex restrictions, Aggregate
- Convert outpatient encounters to prevalent cases, Apply age and sex restrictions, Aggregate
- DisMod-MR 2.1
- Format codes, Map to modeling causes
- Subtract prevalence of symptomatic from prevalence of total
- Severity splits
Inpatient hospital
- Format and standardize ICD codes
- Map and aggregate to detailed sequelae
- Select primary diagnosis
- Apply age\sex spliting
- Apply envelope to cause fractions and vet
- Aggregate neonatal and congenital subcause data to inform correction factors
- Apply appropriate Marketscan correction factors to hospital data
- Aggregate inpatient data to 5 year bands
- Aggregate detailed sequelae to modeling cause
- Calculate prevalence and incidence correction factors
- Aggregate individual injury causes to make grouped injury causes
- Create denominator of all maternity related ICD codes
- Apply maternal age\sex restrictions
- Divide each maternity related cause rate by live birth rates
Intellectual disability
- Comorbidity correction (COMO)
- Dismod-MR 2.1
- Meta-analysis stratified by income status: Proportion of IQ < 70 that is mild, moderate, severe, and profound
- Meta-analysis: Ratio of borderline (IQ 70-85) to <70
- Severity splits
- Squeeze severity-specific outcomes to severity-specific envelopes