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Congo Statistical Yearbook 2009


General Info
Original or alternative title 
Annuaire Statistique du Congo 2009
Congo (COG)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/2005 - 12/2009
Series or system 
Data type
  • Epi surveillance
  • Financial
  • Subnationally representative

The Democratic Republic of the Congo Statistical Yearbook is published by the National Center for Statistics and Economic Studies. It contains a collection of statistical data for the various activities of the government and non-government agencies. The chapters contain information on: climate, population, education, health, transportation, communications, agriculture, industry, import and export trade, finance and banking, police and justice issues, and social services.

African trypanosomiasis, Agriculture, Amoebiasis, Anemia, BCG vaccines, Blood tests, Breast cancer, Cholera, Climate, Community health clinics, Community health workers, Corpus uteri cancer, Crime, Crops, Diabetes, Diarrhea, Diphtheria, Domestic violence, Ebola, Education, Education degrees, Education expenditures, Employment, Employment benefits, Fertility, Fishing, GDP, GNI, GNP, Goiter, Gonococcal infections, Government expenditures, Government health expenditures, Health care personnel, Health care prices, Health facilities, Homicide, Hospitals, Hypertension, Immunization, Infant mortality, Influenza, Infrastructure, Institutionalized population, Intentional injuries, Interpersonal violence, Lab personnel, Laboratories, Leprosy, Live births, Liver cancer, Livestock, Loans, Lower respiratory infections, Malaria, Malnutrition, Manufacturing, Marital status, Mass media, Maternal conditions, Measles, Measles vaccines, Meningitis, Mining, Mortality, Nurses, Occupations, Outpatient facilities, Personal caregivers, Pharmacies, Pharmacists, Physicians, Polio vaccines, Population, Prices, Public social assistance, Rainfall, Respiratory infections, Roads, Schistosomiasis, School conditions, School enrollment, Schools, Sexual violence, Shigellosis, Skilled birth attendants, Skin diseases, Syphilis, Taxes, Teachers, Telecommunications, Telephones, Tetanus, Tetanus toxoid vaccines, Tobacco, Tourism, Traditional healers, Transportation, Tuberculosis, Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers, Unintentional injuries, Urinary diseases, Whooping cough, Yellow fever, Yellow fever vaccines