Unsafe Drinking Water
- Calculate PAFs
- Prep model of proportion of piped water with fecal contamination
- Household water treatment proportions generated and rescaled
- Water source estimates generated: improved and piped
- Remaining water categories calculated and rescaled to 1
- Meta-analysis of relative risks
Unsafe Handwashing
Unsafe Sanitation
- Calculate PAFs
- Meta-analysis of relative risks
- Sanitation estimates generated: improved and sewer connection
- Sanitation categories generated and rescaled to 1
Unsafe Sex
- Extract proportion of HIV cases attributable to IDU, sex, CSW, and "other"
- age-split data
- Dismod-MR 2.1
- Adjust three DisMod models to sum to 100% at 1,000 draw level
Vitamin A deficiency
- Calculate PAFs
- Dismod-MR 2.1
- Meta-analysis of relative risks
- Nonfatal database
- Vit A supplementation
- Vit A deficiency