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Japan Comprehensive Survey of Living Conditions 2019


General Info
Original or alternative title 
平成29年 国民生活基礎調査の概況
Japan (JPN)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
06/2019 - 07/2019
Series or system 
Japan Comprehensive Survey of Living Conditions
Data type
  • Cross-sectional
  • Household
  • Individual
  • Inpatient
  • Nationally representative
  • Outpatient

The Comprehensive Survey of Living Conditions has been conducted since 1986 in a large scale sample every three years and a small-scale sample every year. 2019 was a large scale sample year. The purpose of this survey was to gather information in on income, living conditions, and expenditures of households in Japan in order to inform program planning.

The data were collected through two self-completed questionnaires. The first questionnaire focused on household composition. The second questionnaire collected information on household income and expenditures.