Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2019 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan Dengue Fever Cases, Nationwide, Indigenous, by Date of Onset 2018 Epi surveillance GHDx Entry last modified on: Jul 8, 2020
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2018 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan Dengue Fever Cases, Nationwide, Indigenous and Imported, by Date of Onset 2017 Epi surveillance GHDx Entry last modified on: Jul 8, 2020
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2017 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Travelers Visiting and Returning from Zika-Affected Areas Advised to Take Precautions Against Mosquito Bites, Follow “1+6 Principle” and Seek Immediate Medical Attention when Symptoms Develop as New Imported Zika Case Confirmed July 31st 國內再增1例境外移入茲卡病毒感染個案,民眾自流行地區返國請落實「1+6原則」並加強防蚊措施 Epi surveillance GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 2, 2022
Travelers Visiting and Returning from Zika-Affected Areas Advised to Take Precautions Against Mosquito Bites, Follow “1+6 Principle” and Seek Immediate Medical Attention when Symptoms Develop as New Imported Zika Case Confirmed July 17th 國內新增1例境外移入茲卡病毒感染個案,民眾自流行地區返國請落實「1+6原則」並加強防蚊 Epi surveillance GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 2, 2022
Travelers Visiting and Returning from Zika-Affected Areas Advised to Take Precautions Against Mosquito bites, follow “1+6 Principle” and seek immediate medical attention when Symptoms Develop as This Year’s First Imported Zika Case Confirmed April 13th 國內出現今年首例境外移入茲卡病毒感染個案,民眾前往流行地區應做好防護措施,返國後落實「1+6原則」並加強防蚊 Epi surveillance GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 2, 2022
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2016 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan CDC Confirms Zika Virus Infection in Foreign Traveler Detected with Fever Upon Arrival 外籍旅客來台入境發燒遭攔檢,經檢驗確認感染茲卡病毒 Epi surveillance GHDx Entry last modified on: Oct 22, 2020
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2015 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2014 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan CDC Announces this Year’s First Pneumococcal Death in Infant and Urges Parents to Get Children Meeting Eligibility Criteria for Government-funded Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Vaccinated Epi surveillance GHDx Entry last modified on: Nov 6, 2018
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2013 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2012 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2011 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2010 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2009 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2008 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2007 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2006 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan Statistics of Communicable Diseases and Surveillance Report 2015 Report: Epi surveillance - Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 5, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2005 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2004 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2003 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan Tuberculosis Cases by Age Group, Sex, and Place of Living Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 5, 2021
Taiwan Syphilis Cases by Age Group, Sex, and Place of Living Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 5, 2021
Taiwan Gonorrhea Cases by Age Group, Sex, and Place of Living Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 5, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2019 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan Dengue Fever Cases, Nationwide, Indigenous, by Date of Onset 2018 Epi surveillance GHDx Entry last modified on: Jul 8, 2020
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2018 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan Dengue Fever Cases, Nationwide, Indigenous and Imported, by Date of Onset 2017 Epi surveillance GHDx Entry last modified on: Jul 8, 2020
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2017 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Travelers Visiting and Returning from Zika-Affected Areas Advised to Take Precautions Against Mosquito Bites, Follow “1+6 Principle” and Seek Immediate Medical Attention when Symptoms Develop as New Imported Zika Case Confirmed July 31st 國內再增1例境外移入茲卡病毒感染個案,民眾自流行地區返國請落實「1+6原則」並加強防蚊措施 Epi surveillance GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 2, 2022
Travelers Visiting and Returning from Zika-Affected Areas Advised to Take Precautions Against Mosquito Bites, Follow “1+6 Principle” and Seek Immediate Medical Attention when Symptoms Develop as New Imported Zika Case Confirmed July 17th 國內新增1例境外移入茲卡病毒感染個案,民眾自流行地區返國請落實「1+6原則」並加強防蚊 Epi surveillance GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 2, 2022
Travelers Visiting and Returning from Zika-Affected Areas Advised to Take Precautions Against Mosquito bites, follow “1+6 Principle” and seek immediate medical attention when Symptoms Develop as This Year’s First Imported Zika Case Confirmed April 13th 國內出現今年首例境外移入茲卡病毒感染個案,民眾前往流行地區應做好防護措施,返國後落實「1+6原則」並加強防蚊 Epi surveillance GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 2, 2022
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2016 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan CDC Confirms Zika Virus Infection in Foreign Traveler Detected with Fever Upon Arrival 外籍旅客來台入境發燒遭攔檢,經檢驗確認感染茲卡病毒 Epi surveillance GHDx Entry last modified on: Oct 22, 2020
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2015 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2014 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan CDC Announces this Year’s First Pneumococcal Death in Infant and Urges Parents to Get Children Meeting Eligibility Criteria for Government-funded Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Vaccinated Epi surveillance GHDx Entry last modified on: Nov 6, 2018
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2013 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2012 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2011 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2010 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2009 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2008 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2007 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2006 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan Statistics of Communicable Diseases and Surveillance Report 2015 Report: Epi surveillance - Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 5, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2005 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2004 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2003 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan Tuberculosis Cases by Age Group, Sex, and Place of Living Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 5, 2021
Taiwan Syphilis Cases by Age Group, Sex, and Place of Living Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 5, 2021
Taiwan Gonorrhea Cases by Age Group, Sex, and Place of Living Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 5, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2019 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan Dengue Fever Cases, Nationwide, Indigenous, by Date of Onset 2018 Epi surveillance GHDx Entry last modified on: Jul 8, 2020
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2018 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan Dengue Fever Cases, Nationwide, Indigenous and Imported, by Date of Onset 2017 Epi surveillance GHDx Entry last modified on: Jul 8, 2020
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2017 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Travelers Visiting and Returning from Zika-Affected Areas Advised to Take Precautions Against Mosquito Bites, Follow “1+6 Principle” and Seek Immediate Medical Attention when Symptoms Develop as New Imported Zika Case Confirmed July 31st 國內再增1例境外移入茲卡病毒感染個案,民眾自流行地區返國請落實「1+6原則」並加強防蚊措施 Epi surveillance GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 2, 2022
Travelers Visiting and Returning from Zika-Affected Areas Advised to Take Precautions Against Mosquito Bites, Follow “1+6 Principle” and Seek Immediate Medical Attention when Symptoms Develop as New Imported Zika Case Confirmed July 17th 國內新增1例境外移入茲卡病毒感染個案,民眾自流行地區返國請落實「1+6原則」並加強防蚊 Epi surveillance GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 2, 2022
Travelers Visiting and Returning from Zika-Affected Areas Advised to Take Precautions Against Mosquito bites, follow “1+6 Principle” and seek immediate medical attention when Symptoms Develop as This Year’s First Imported Zika Case Confirmed April 13th 國內出現今年首例境外移入茲卡病毒感染個案,民眾前往流行地區應做好防護措施,返國後落實「1+6原則」並加強防蚊 Epi surveillance GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 2, 2022
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2016 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan CDC Confirms Zika Virus Infection in Foreign Traveler Detected with Fever Upon Arrival 外籍旅客來台入境發燒遭攔檢,經檢驗確認感染茲卡病毒 Epi surveillance GHDx Entry last modified on: Oct 22, 2020
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2015 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2014 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan CDC Announces this Year’s First Pneumococcal Death in Infant and Urges Parents to Get Children Meeting Eligibility Criteria for Government-funded Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Vaccinated Epi surveillance GHDx Entry last modified on: Nov 6, 2018
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2013 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2012 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2011 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2010 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2009 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2008 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2007 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2006 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan Statistics of Communicable Diseases and Surveillance Report 2015 Report: Epi surveillance - Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 5, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2005 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2004 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan HIV Statistics by Area, Age, and Gender 2003 Area, age, and Gender Statistical table - HIV // 地區年齡性別統計表 HIV感染(含母子垂直感染疑似個案) Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 6, 2021
Taiwan Tuberculosis Cases by Age Group, Sex, and Place of Living Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 5, 2021
Taiwan Syphilis Cases by Age Group, Sex, and Place of Living Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 5, 2021
Taiwan Gonorrhea Cases by Age Group, Sex, and Place of Living Epi surveillance: Subnationally representative GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 5, 2021