Institute for Demography of the Higher School of Economics (IDEM) (Russia)
The Institute of Demography of NRU HSE (IDEM) was established in February 2007. The history of the Institute as a research center actually began almost 20 years earlier, in 1988, within the walls of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. The immediate predecessor of IDEM NRU HSE was the Center of Demography and Human Ecology of the Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences. IDEM is a scientific and educational institution. The Institute’s goals: the conduct of fundamental scientific research, the improvement of its methodology, and the training of scientific personnel. Simultaneously with the formation of the Institute in 2007, the interfaculty Department of Demography was set up within it, and in 2009 the Scientific-Educational Laboratory on Socio-Demographic Policy was opened. A master’s program on demography is being run within the Institute.