Luxembourg Eurobarometer 54.2: Impact of New Technologies, Employment and Social Affairs, and Disabilities 2001
General Info
The Eurobarometer is a program commissioned by the European Commission to monitor public opinion in the European Union member countries. Topics vary with each series, and have included agriculture, energy, environment, gender roles, immigration, knowledge of foreign languages, poverty, public health, technology, and other special topics.
Eurobarometer 54.2 covered topics including: in-job training; employment; social change; specific diseases and medical conditions; social stratification and groupings; specific social services: use and provision; science and technology; and housing.
European Commission (2012): Eurobarometer 54.2 (Jan-Feb 2001). European Opinion Research Group (EORG), Brussels. GESIS Data Archive, Cologne. ZA3388 Data file Version 1.1.0, doi:10.4232/1.10938