Marshall Islands Demographic and Health Survey 2007
General Info
Coverage type
Time period covered
January, 2007 - December, 2007
Data type
GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household
The Marshall Islands Demographic and Health Survey (RMIDHS) was implemented by the Economic Policy, Planning and Statistics Office (EPPSO). The survey was intended to provide key estimates of the demographics and health of the country. EPPSO has published a report for the survey.
Antenatal care, BCG vaccines, Breastfeeding, Caesarean section, Childhood sexual violence, Complete birth history, Contraceptives, Cooking fuels, DTP vaccines, Domestic violence, Education, Hepatitis B vaccines, Hib vaccines, Household air pollution, Intimate partner violence, MMR vaccines, Malnutrition, Measles vaccines, Mental and behavioral disorders, Mental health symptoms, Mortality, Place of delivery, Polio vaccines, STDs, Sanitation, Sexual violence, Skilled birth attendants, Summary birth history, Vaccination cards, Vitamin A supplements, Water supply
Suggested citation
Economic Policy, Planning and Statistics Office (Marshall Islands), Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC). Marshall Islands Demographic and Health Survey 2007.