Ireland Population and Housing Census 2016
General Info
Coverage type
Time period covered
April, 2016 - May, 2016
Data type
De facto - Household - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative
The 2016 Census of Population and Housing in Ireland was conducted by the Central Statistics Office on April 24, 2016 via the delivery and collection of self-administered questionnaires by census enumerators. The questionnaire covered a variety of demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, and included questions on disability and chronic illness.
The total population of Ireland in 2016 was enumerated at 4,761,865, a 3.8% increase since 2011.
Assets, Birth place, Education, Employment, Ethnicity, Family composition, Family size, Health status, Hearing loss, Household air pollution, Household heat, Housing conditions, International migration, Internet, Languages, Limited mobility, Live births, Marital status, Mental and behavioral disorders, Pain, Race, Religion, Sanitation, Transportation, Vision loss, Water supply, Population
Publication year
Suggested citation
Central Statistics Office (Ireland). Ireland Population and Housing Census 2016. 2017.