Botswana Population and Housing Census 2001 - IPUMS
General Info
Coverage type
Time period covered
August, 2001 - August, 2001
Series or system
Data type
De facto - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative
The Botswana 2001 Census of Population and Housing sample from IPUMS is a self-weighted, 10% sample of 168,676 persons. Admin 1-level districts are the smallest geography identified. The sample was drawn by the Minnesota Population Center.
Adult mortality, Agriculture, Assets, Birth place, Child labor, Child mortality, Cooking fuels, Crops, Disability, Domestic migration, Education, Electricity, Employment, Employment benefits, Family composition, Family size, Fertility, Hearing loss, Home care, Household air pollution, Household deaths, Household heat, Housing conditions, Housing materials, Idiopathic intellectual disability, Infant mortality, Institutionalized population, International migration, Land ownership, Languages, Lighting, Live births, Livestock, Marital status, Mass media, Mortality, Occupation codes, Occupations, Parental survival, Religion, Sanitation, School enrollment, Summary birth history, Telephones, Training programs, Transportation, Vision loss, Waste disposal, Water supply
Publication year
Suggested citation
Central Statistics Office (Botswana), Minnesota Population Center. Botswana Population and Housing Census 2001 from the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series, International. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 2017.