Latvia Labor Force Survey 2001 - Eurostat
General Info
Original or alternative title
European Union Labour Force Survey
Coverage type
Time period covered
January, 2001 - December, 2001
Series or system
Data type
Cross-sectional - Individual
The European Union Labour Force Survey (EU LFS) is a large household sample survey which began in 1983 and is conducted in all EU member states and a few EFTA and EU candidate nations. The survey provides quarterly and annual results on labor participation of people ages 15 and over as well as on persons outside the labor force. The population outside the labor force includes persons carrying out obligatory military or community service, students, female or male homemakers, and institutionalized persons.
Full microdata sets are available by request from Eurostat, as well as freely available public microdata (public use files, PUFs) and data in other formats.