Brazil Civil Registry Statistics - Fetal Deaths at 28 Weeks or More, by Place of Birth, Number of Births by Birth and Sex, and Residence of Mother 2019
General Info
Original or alternative title
Tabela 3.4 - Óbitos fetais com 28 semanas ou mais, ocorridos e registrados no ano, por local do nascimento, número de nascidos por parto e sexo, segundo o lugar de residência da mãe - 2019
Coverage type
Time period covered
January, 2019 - December, 2019
Series or system
Data type
Vital registration:
Subnationally representative
Suggested citation
Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). Brazil Civil Registry Statistics - Fetal Deaths at 28 Weeks or More, by Place of Birth, Number of Births by Birth and Sex, and Residence of Mother 2019. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).