Palau Population and Housing Census 2020
General Info
Original or alternative title
2020 Census of Population and Housing of the Republic of Palau
Coverage type
Time period covered
April, 2020 - April, 2020
Data type
De jure - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative
The 2020 Palau Population and Housing and Census was conducted by the Office of Planning and Statistics. The total population in 2015 was 17,614.
Agriculture, Assets, Birth place, Child mortality, Complete birth history, Crops, Domestic migration, Education, Electricity, Employment, Employment benefits, Ethnicity, Family composition, Family size, Fishing, Hearing loss, Hours worked, Household air pollution, Household heat, Housing conditions, Housing materials, Income, International migration, Land ownership, Languages, Limited mobility, Literacy, Live births, Livestock, Loans, Marital status, Mass media, Maternal age, Maternal mortality, Mental and behavioral disorders, Mining, Mortality, Occupations, Population, Public social assistance, Race, Refrigeration, Sanitation, Telephones, Unemployment, Vision loss, Water supply
Suggested citation
Office of Planning and Statistics (Palau), Statistics for Development Division (New Caledonia). Palau Population and Housing Census 2020.