Vaccine Information Management System: Accelerated Vaccine Initiative Report March 2010
General Info
Original or alternative title
VIMS: Accelerated Vaccine Initiative (AVI) Report
Coverage type
Time period covered
May, 1989 - December, 2020
Data type
These reports, generated from VIMS data, provide updates on the uptake for Hib, Pneumococcal Conjugate (PCV), and Rotavirus vaccines in GAVI eligible countries and globally. Sources for the database include UNICEF, World Health Organization, the Gavi Alliance, vaccine manufacturers, ministries of health, and news media. The reports contain information on vaccine introduction trends over time, current introduction statuses, present coverage and access to the three vaccines, and vaccine introduction by country income. Vaccine introduction for countries is also forecast to 2020.
Suggested citation
International Vaccine Access Center, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Vaccine Information Management System: Accelerated Vaccine Initiative Report March 2010. Baltimore, United States: International Vaccine Access Center, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.