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The age-specific quantitative effects of metabolic risk factors on cardiovascular diseases and diabetes: a pooled analysis


General Info
Australia (AUS)
Austria (AUT)
Belgium (BEL)
Canada (CAN)
China (CHN)
Croatia (HRV)
Denmark (DNK)
Finland (FIN)
France (FRA)
Germany (DEU)
Greece (GRC)
Iceland (ISL)
Ireland (IRL)
Israel (ISR)
Italy (ITA)
Japan (JPN)
Malta (MLT)
Norway (NOR)
Poland (POL)
Serbia (SRB)
Singapore (SGP)
Spain (ESP)
Sweden (SWE)
Thailand (THA)
Türkiye (TUR)
Hong Kong
Viet Nam (VNM)
Time period covered 
01/1970 - 12/2010