NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Provider University of AdelaideTabulations only Geography Australia (AUS) Coverage type Country Time period covered 01/1990 - 12/1990 Series or system Australia Child Dental Health Survey Data type Survey: Cross-sectionalIndividualNationally representativeSubnationally representative Summary The purpose of this survey was to track the dental health status of primary school attending children using School Dental Services. The data were collected through a random sample of the records of examinations performed by the School Dental Services. Data collected included the child's demographic characteristics, deciduous caries, permanent caries, urgent dental care needs, and the presence of fissure sealants. Exam records were selected through a random sampling process. The sampling ratio varied by state, as did the number of exam records included in this survey. If a student was examined more than once during 1990, then only the first exam was counted for this survey. The sample size for this survey was 99,157 children between the ages of 5 and 15 years. Keywords Dental caries Citation Contributors Australian Institute of Health and Welfare University of Adelaide Suggested citation Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, University of Adelaide. Australia Child Dental Health Survey 1990. GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 5, 2021