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Bangladesh Integrated Household Survey 2011-2012


General Info
Original or alternative title 
Feed the Future Bangladesh Integrated Household Survey (BIHS)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
10/2011 - 03/2012
Series or system 
Bangladesh Integrated Household Survey
Data type
  • Household
  • Interview
  • Nationally representative
  • Rural only
  • Subnationally representative

The purpose of the survey was to address the country's food and agricultural needs by conducting household interviews on food intake and agricultural practices in rural Bangladesh.

Interviews were conducted in seven administrative divisions and an area of southern Bangladesh. The sample size was 6,500 households in 325 villages using a stratified sampling frame. Anthropometric measures were also taken as part of the interview.

24HR dietary recall, Agriculture, Antenatal care, Anthropometry, Antibiotics, Assets, BCG vaccines, Birth weight, Body mass index, Breastfeeding, Breathing difficulty, Child anthropometry, Children, Community action, Contraceptives, Cooking fuels, Cough, Crops, DTP vaccines, Dairy products, Diarrhea, Diet, Disability, Domestic migration, Domestic violence, Education, Education access, Education degrees, Education expenditures, Electricity, Employment, Family planning, Fertilizers, Fever, Fish, Fishing, Food expenditures, Food industry, Fruits, Health care access, Health care services, Health care use, Health literacy, Health promotion, Health status, Hearing loss, Height, Hepatitis B vaccines, Home care, Hours worked, Household air pollution, Household deaths, Household expenditures, Household water treatment, Housing conditions, Housing materials, Hygiene, Immunization, Income, Infant care, Infants, Intentional injuries, International migration, Internet, Interpersonal violence, Intestinal nematode infections, Iron supplements, Land ownership, Legumes, Leisure activities, Lighting, Literacy, Livestock, Loans, Malnutrition, Manufacturing, Marital status, Mass media, Maternal anthropometry, Measles vaccines, Meat, Mental health symptoms, Micronutrient supplements, Milk, Mining, Mortality, Musculoskeletal anomalies, Occupations, Oral rehydration therapy, Paralysis, Pentavalent vaccines, Personal health expenditures, Pesticides, Pharmacies, Physical activity, Place of delivery, Polio vaccines, Pregnancy, Prices, Private health facilities, Processed foods, Processed meats, Public health facilities, Public social assistance, Refrigeration, Sanitation, Sexual sterilization, Skilled birth attendants, Skin diseases, Sleep, Starchy vegetables, Sugar-sweetened beverages, Teachers, Telephones, Tetanus toxoid vaccines, Tobacco, Tobacco smoking, Traditional medicine, Training programs, Transportation, Tuberculosis, Unprocessed red meat, Vegetables, Vision loss, Vitamin A supplements, Water supply, Weight, Weight change, Whole grains, Zinc