NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Provider Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS)Microdata access: Request Geography Bangladesh (BGD) Coverage type Country Time period covered 04/2009 - 05/2009 Data type Survey: Cross-sectionalHouseholdIndividualInterviewNationally representativeSubnationally representativeUrban-rural representative Summary The Bangladesh Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2009 was conducted by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics. Topics covered in the 2000 Bangladesh MICS are intended to provide data that can be used to assess progress towards select mid-decade goals defined at the United Nations 1990 World Summit for Children. Data was gathered from 299,842 household interviews of 333,201 women age 15-49. Information was also gathered for 39,588 children under 5. Additionally, 14,111 water samples were tested for arsenic levels. Keywords Birth certificates, Breastfeeding, Child mortality, Education, Family composition, Health literacy, Infant mortality, Literacy, Live births, Marital status, Sanitation, School enrollment, Skilled birth attendants, Summary birth history, Water supply Citation Contributors Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) Publisher Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) Suggested citation Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS). Bangladesh Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2009. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS). GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 5, 2021