NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Geography Brazil (BRA) Coverage type Country Time period covered 01/1993 - 12/1998 Series or system World Atlas of Birth Defects Data type Disease registry Summary These data from the Latin American Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations (ECLAMC) are reported in the World Atlas of Birth Defects. Keywords Abortion, Abortive outcome, Chromosomal abnormalities, Cleft lip and cleft palate, Congenital anomalies, Congenital heart anomalies, Digestive system malformations, Down's syndrome, Musculoskeletal anomalies, Neural tube defects, Prevalence, Urogenital anomalies Citation Suggested citation Brazil Latin American Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations Data 1993-1998 - WHO GHDx Entry last modified on: Nov 6, 2018