NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Provider Ministry of Health (Oman)Tabulations only Geography Oman (OMN) Coverage type Country Time period covered 01/2003 - 12/2003 Series or system Cancer Incidence in Oman Data type Disease registry Summary The Oman National Cancer Registry was established in 1985 as a hospital based registry. This is the 8th annual report of cancer incidence in Oman and covers incidence and mortality for the year 2003. All cancer cases are reported to the National Cancer Registry and are coded using ICD-10. The report includes a section on cancer trends from 1996-2003 and provides tables on frequency of cancers by cancer site during those years for males and females, separately. Additional tables provide incidence data broken down by 5-year age group, sex, and cancer site for the year 2003. Maps display cancer incidence by cancer site and region for 10 governorates in Oman. Other sections in the report include childhood cancers, cancers among non-citizens in Oman, hospital-based deaths due to cancer, and cancer incidence in five continents. The full report is available for download from the Ministry of Health website. Keywords Bladder cancer, Brain and nervous system cancers, Breast cancer, Cancers, Cervix uteri cancer, Colon and rectum cancers, Corpus uteri cancer, Death certificates, Gallbladder and biliary tract cancers, Hodgkin lymphoma, ICD-10, ICD-O-2, ICD-O-3, Incidence, Kidney and other urinary organ cancers, Larynx cancer, Leukemia, Liver cancer, Melanoma, Mortality, Mouth cancer, Multiple myeloma, Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Oesophagus cancer, Ovary cancer, Pancreas cancer, Pharynx cancers, Population, Prostate cancer, Skin cancers, Stomach cancer, Testicular cancer, Thyroid cancer, Trachea, bronchus, and lung cancers Citation Contributors Oman National Cancer Registry Ministry of Health (Oman) Publisher Ministry of Health (Oman) Suggested citation Ministry of Health (Oman), Oman National Cancer Registry. Cancer Incidence in Oman 2003. Muscat, Oman: Ministry of Health (Oman). GHDx Entry last modified on: Jan 16, 2025