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Cancer in Poland in 2004


General Info
Original or alternative title 
Nowotwory Złośliwe w Polsce w 2004 roku
Poland (POL)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/2004 - 12/2004
Series or system 
Poland Cancer Registration System
Data type

The 2004 report from Poland's National Cancer Registry, KRN (in Polish and English), presents data on counts and rates for total cancer deaths for 2004, and more detailed data are included for lung, colorectal, female breast, cervical, prostate, non-Hodgkin's lympohoma, and leukemias. Numbers and rates for incidence and mortality in 2004 are given by cancer site, sex, and 5-year age group as well as by site, sex, and voivodeship; MI ratios by sex and site for 2004 are included as well. Data was provided by various subnational cancer registries; registration is uneven among provinces, however, and overall underregistration is estimated at about 10% for 2004.