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Denmark Eurobarometer 68.2: European Union Policy and Decision making, Corruption, Civil Justice, E-Communications, Agriculture, and Environmental Protection 2007


General Info
Original or alternative title 
ZA4742: Eurobarometer 68.2 (Nov-Dec 2007)
Denmark (DNK)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
11/2007 - 01/2008
Series or system 
Eurobarometer - Special
Data type
  • Cross-sectional
  • Interview
  • Individual

The Eurobarometer is a program commissioned by the European Commission to monitor public opinion in the European Union member countries. Topics vary with each series, and have included agriculture, energy, environment, gender roles, immigration, knowledge of foreign languages, poverty, public health, technology, and other special topics.

Eurobarometer 68.2 covered topics including: law, crime and legal systems; agricultural, forestry and rural industry; international politics and organizations; environmental degration, pollution and protection; rural economics; and information technology.