NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Geography Ethiopia (ETH) Coverage type Country Time period covered 01/1981 - 01/1982 Data type Survey: Cross-sectionalHouseholdIndividualInterviewRural only Summary This survey was conducted as part of the National Integrated Household Survey Program, a series of separate surveys designed to discover details about the Ethiopian population. The purpose of this survey was to develop population estimates, fertility rates, mortality rates, and gather sociodemographic information about people of all ages and households in rural sedentary agricultural regions of Ethiopia. Both Eritrea and Tigray were excluded from this survey, as were urban areas, nomadic agricultural households and non-farming households. The data were collected through in-person interviews in the home. There were two rounds of data collection interviews that occurred one year apart. The first round focused on household attributes and family size. The second round investigated births, deaths, and migrations that occurred in households since the first round. The total sample size for this survey was 46,307 households. Reports for this survey may be available through library systems. Keywords Amputation, Birth place, Disability, Domestic migration, Education, Ethnicity, Family composition, Family size, Fertility, Hearing loss, Household deaths, International migration, Leprosy, Literacy, Marital status, Mental and behavioral disorders, Religion, School enrollment, Summary birth history, Vision loss Citation Contributors Central Statistics Agency (Ethiopia) Suggested citation Ethiopia Demographic Survey 1981. GHDx Entry last modified on: Mar 7, 2022