NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Provider Euromonitor InternationalTabulations only Geography Algeria (DZA) Argentina (ARG) Australia (AUS) Austria (AUT) Azerbaijan (AZE) Belarus (BLR) Belgium (BEL) Bolivia (BOL) Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) Brazil (BRA) Bulgaria (BGR) Cameroon (CMR) Canada (CAN) Chile (CHL) China (CHN) Hong Kong Colombia (COL) Costa Rica (CRI) Croatia (HRV) Czechia (CZE) Denmark (DNK) Dominican Republic (DOM) Ecuador (ECU) Egypt (EGY) Estonia (EST) Finland (FIN) France (FRA) Georgia (GEO) Germany (DEU) Greece (GRC) Guatemala (GTM) Hungary (HUN) India (IND) Indonesia (IDN) Iran (Islamic Republic of) (IRN) Ireland (IRL) Israel (ISR) Italy (ITA) Japan (JPN) Kazakhstan (KAZ) Kenya (KEN) Latvia (LVA) Lithuania (LTU) Malaysia (MYS) Mexico (MEX) Morocco (MAR) Netherlands (NLD) New Zealand (NZL) Nigeria (NGA) North Macedonia (MKD) Norway (NOR) Pakistan (PAK) Peru (PER) Philippines (PHL) Poland (POL) Portugal (PRT) Republic of Korea (KOR) Romania (ROU) Russian Federation (RUS) Saudi Arabia (SAU) Serbia (SRB) Singapore (SGP) Slovakia (SVK) Slovenia (SVN) South Africa (ZAF) Spain (ESP) Sweden (SWE) Switzerland (CHE) Taiwan (Province of China) (TWN) Thailand (THA) Tunisia (TUN) Türkiye (TUR) Ukraine (UKR) United Arab Emirates (ARE) United Kingdom (GBR) United States of America (USA) Uruguay (URY) Uzbekistan (UZB) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) (VEN) Viet Nam (VNM) View all Coverage type Global Time period covered 01/1999 - present Series or system Euromonitor Passport Data type Administrative data Summary The Euromonitor Passport global market research database provides statistics on multiple aspects of cigarettes for a majority of the world's countries. The statistics include: historic, current, and constant prices (measured in the average retail selling price per stick), as well as forecasted prices for the next five years; retail volume and illicit trade volume; growth, including period and year-on-year growth; various types of annual ad valorem excise taxes, cigarette-specific taxes, and VAT/sales taxes, as well as data for some countries on the taxation of cigars; and smoking prevalence of the adult population. Keywords Economic indicators, Prices, Taxes, Tobacco, Tobacco smoking Citation Contributors Euromonitor International Publisher Euromonitor International Suggested citation Euromonitor International. Euromonitor Passport - Cigarette Statistics. London, United Kingdom: Euromonitor International. GHDx Entry last modified on: Feb 24, 2025