NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Provider EurostatTabulations only Geography Austria (AUT) Belgium (BEL) Bulgaria (BGR) Croatia (HRV) Czechia (CZE) Denmark (DNK) Estonia (EST) Finland (FIN) France (FRA) Germany (DEU) Greece (GRC) Hungary (HUN) Iceland (ISL) Ireland (IRL) Italy (ITA) Latvia (LVA) Lithuania (LTU) Luxembourg (LUX) Malta (MLT) Netherlands (NLD) North Macedonia (MKD) Norway (NOR) Poland (POL) Portugal (PRT) Romania (ROU) Slovakia (SVK) Slovenia (SVN) Spain (ESP) Sweden (SWE) Switzerland (CHE) Türkiye (TUR) United Kingdom (GBR) View all Coverage type Country Time period covered 01/1995 - present Data type Financial record: Subnationally representative Summary This table from the Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat) presents the gross domestic product (GDP) at market prices for NUTS Level 2 and Level 3 regions in European Union member states and candidate countries, expressed in millions of Euros. The basic data used in the calculation of the regional GDP estimates, which are produced by Eurostat based on a harmonized methodology, come from individual National Statistical Institutes (NSIs). The NSI statistics come from a variety of sources, including government administrative data, censuses, and business and household surveys. Keywords GDP Citation Contributors Eurostat Publisher Eurostat Suggested citation Eurostat. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at Current Market Prices by NUTS 2 Regions. Luxembourg City, Luxembourg: Eurostat. GHDx Entry last modified on: Oct 24, 2024