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Development Assistance for Health Database 1990-2016


General Info
Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/1990 - 12/2016
Series or system 
Data type

This update of the Development Assistance for Health (DAH) Database includes estimates for 1990-2016, which are based on project databases, financial statements, annual reports, IRS 990s, and correspondence with agencies. The DAH Database enables comprehensive analysis of trends in international disbursements of grants and loans for health projects in low and middle income countries from key agencies. The data are disaggregated by funding agency, country and geographic region, and health focus area. New in 2016 is a program area disaggregation within malaria health focus areas.

To understand the framework used to track DAH, users of the DAH Database 1990-2016 should review IHME's Financing Global Health 2016 technical report and methods annex.