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Kenya Demographic and Health Survey 2014


General Info
Original or alternative title 
KDHS 2014
Kenya (KEN)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
05/2014 - 10/2014
Series or system 
Data type
  • Cross-sectional
  • GPS coordinates (GIS)
  • Household
  • Individual
  • Interview
  • Nationally representative
  • Subnationally representative
  • Urban-rural representative

The Kenya Demographic and Health Survey 2014 is part of phase 7 of the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) series, a nationally representative household survey series. Topics commonly covered in DHS include immunization, child and maternal health, family planning, nutrition, health behavior and knowledge, health care access and use, and immunization. For the 2014 Kenya DHS, 31,079 women ages 15-49, and 12,819 men ages 15-54 were successfully interviewed from 36,430 households.

24HR dietary recall, Abortion, Abortive outcome, Age at first sex, Agriculture, Alcohol use, Analgesics, Animal injuries, Anogenital herpes, Antenatal care, Anthropometry, Antibiotics, Antihelminthics, Antimalarials, Antimotility drugs, Assets, BCG vaccines, Birth certificates, Birth control pills, Birth weight, Blood pressure, Body mass index, Breastfeeding, Breathing difficulty, Burns, Cancers, Cervix uteri cancer, Child anthropometry, Child health care, Child mortality, Children, Circumcision, Clinical breast exams, Community health clinics, Complete birth history, Condoms, Congestion, Contraceptive implants, Contraceptives, Cooking fuels, Cough, Dairy products, Diabetes, Diarrhea, Diarrheal diseases, Domestic migration, Domestic violence, Drownings, Drug consumption, Education, Electricity, Employment, Secondhand smoke, Ethnicity, Falls, Family composition, Family planning, Family size, Female circumcision, Female infertility, Fertility, Fever, Fish, Folic acid supplements, Food security, Fruits, Gestational age, Gonococcal infections, Health behaviors, Health care access, Health care use, Health facilities, Health insurance, Health literacy, Health promotion, Health status, Height, Hospitals, Household air pollution, Household water treatment, Housing conditions, Housing materials, Hygiene, Hypertension, Hysterectomy, IUDs, Immunization, Indoor residual spraying, Infant care, Infant mortality, Injectable contraceptives, Injections, Injuries, Insecticide-treated bednets, Intentional injuries, International migration, Interventions, Intimate partner violence, Iodine supplements, Iron supplements, Land ownership, Length of stay, Literacy, Live births, Livestock, Living conditions, Lower respiratory infections, Malaria, Male infertility, Marital status, Mass media, Maternal age, Maternal health, Maternal mortality, Measles vaccines, Meat, Medicines, Menopause, Menstruation, Micronutrients, Mortality, Multiple births, Nonprofits, Nuts, Obstetric fistulas, Occupation codes, Occupations, Oral rehydration therapy, PMTCT, Parental survival, Pentavalent vaccines, Personal health expenditures, Pharmacies, Place of delivery, Pneumococcal vaccines, Poisonings, Polio vaccines, Postnatal care, Postpartum amenorrhea, Pregnancy, Preventive interventions, Private health facilities, Processed foods, Public health facilities, Public social assistance, Refrigeration, Religion, Reproductive and sexual risk factors, Respiratory infections, Road traffic injuries, Rotavirus vaccines, STDs, Sanitation, School enrollment, Sexual abstinence, Sexual behavior, Sexual sterilization, Sexual violence, Skilled birth attendants, Stillbirths, Summary birth history, Telephones, Tetanus toxoid vaccines, Tobacco smoking, Traditional birth control, Transportation, Tuberculosis, Unprocessed red meat, Upper respiratory infections, VCT, Vaccination cards, Vegetables, Vitamin A supplements, Waste disposal, Water supply, Weight, Whole grains, Yellow fever vaccines, Zinc, Complete sibling history