NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Original or alternative title Letsel Informatie Systeem (LIS) Provider Consumer Safety Institute (Netherlands)Microdata access: Request Geography Netherlands (NLD) Coverage type Country Time period covered 01/2002 - 12/2002 Series or system Netherlands Injury Surveillance System Data type Disease registry: EmergencyNationally representative Summary The Netherlands Injury Surveillance System gathers data on intentional and unintentional injuries sustained by visitors to the emergency departments of select private hospitals throughout the country. The participating hospitals are a representative sample of facilities in the Netherlands. Variables tracked by the system include the severity, costs, and circumstances of injuries. Injuries sustained through accidents, sports, traffic accidents, violence, and self-harm are covered. Keywords Adverse effects of medical treatments, Animal injuries, Burns, Drownings, Exposure to forces of nature, Falls, Foreign bodies, Injuries, Intentional injuries, Interpersonal violence, Occupational injuries, Poisonings, Road traffic injuries, Self-inflicted injuries, Suffocation, Unintentional firearm injuries, Unintentional injuries, Violence, Organized violence, Contact with venomous animals and plants, Firearms Citation Contributors Consumer Safety Institute (Netherlands) Suggested citation Consumer Safety Institute (Netherlands). Netherlands Injury Surveillance System 2002. GHDx Entry last modified on: Aug 5, 2021