NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Provider Ministry of Health (Seychelles)Tabulations only Geography Seychelles (SYC) Coverage type Country Time period covered 01/2021 - 12/2021 Series or system Seychelles Annual Health Sector Report Data type Report: Nationally representative Summary The Seychelles Annual Health Sector report aims to demonstrate accountability of the Health Sector, update on progress, and identify remaining gaps and challenges inform future health agendas. The report examined the health status; service coverage and health systems; implementation of strategic investments priorities proposed by the NHSP; new threats that the Health Sector faced during the reporting year; and also progress in reaching the Sustainable Development Goals. Keywords Abortion, Abortive outcome, Appendicitis, Asthma, Back and neck pain, Beds, COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccines, Cancers, Cardiovascular and circulatory diseases, Causes of death, Causes of morbidity, Cerebrovascular diseases, Child mortality, Chlamydia, Chronic kidney diseases, Chronic respiratory diseases, Dengue, Dental care, Dental examinations, Dentists, Diabetes, Dialysis, Diarrheal diseases, Drownings, Ectopic pregnancy, Falls, Fertility, Financial assistance for health, General surgery, Gonococcal infections, Government health budget, Government health expenditures, HIV and AIDS, HIV transmission, Health care personnel, Health care use, Heart disease, Homicide, ICD-10, Incidence, Infant mortality, Infectious diseases, Inguinal and femoral hernia, Injuries, Intracerebral hemorrhage, Ischemic heart disease, Life expectancy, Live births, Lower respiratory infections, Maternal age, Maternal mortality, Miscarriage, Mortality, Neglected tropical diseases, Noncommunicable diseases, Obesity, PMTCT, Physical therapists, Physical therapy, Physicians, Pneumococcal pneumonia, Prescriptions, Risk factors, Road traffic injuries, STDs, Self-inflicted injuries, Sense organ diseases, Skilled birth attendants, Skin diseases, Stillbirths, Stroke, Surgical procedures, Tuberculosis, Upper respiratory infections Citation Contributors Ministry of Health (Seychelles) Publisher Ministry of Health (Seychelles) Publication year 2022 Suggested citation Ministry of Health (Seychelles). Seychelles Annual Health Sector Report 2021. Victoria, Seychelles: Ministry of Health (Seychelles), 2022. GHDx Entry last modified on: Jun 5, 2023