NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Original or alternative title Macroencuesta de violencia violencia contra la mujer 2019 Provider Government Delegation for Gender Violence (Spain)Microdata access: Download Geography Spain (ESP) Coverage type Country Time period covered 09/2019 - 12/2019 Series or system Spain Violence Against Women Macro Survey Data type Survey: Cross-sectionalHouseholdIndividualNationally representative Summary The 2019 Macro Survey on Violence against Women was carried out on a sample of 9,568 women representative of the female population residing in Spain aged 16 or over. The study is covers: violence in the current couple or in past couples; physical and sexual violence outside the couple; sexual harassment and repeated harassment; and an analysis of women who may be especially vulnerable to violence: women with disabilities, young women from 16 to 24 years old, women 65 years old or older, women who have been born abroad, and women who live in small municipalities. Keywords Absenteeism, Alcohol use, Analgesics, Childhood sexual violence, Disability, Education, Emergency care, Employment, Health care use, Health status, Hospitals, Illicit drug use, Income, Injuries, International migration, Internet, Interpersonal violence, Intimate partner violence, Literacy, Marital status, Medicines, Mental health symptoms, Miscarriage, Occupations, Religion, STDs, Sexual violence, Sleep disorders, Suicide, Violence Citation Contributors Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality (Spain) Government Delegation for Gender Violence (Spain) Sociological Research Center (Spain) Suggested citation Government Delegation for Gender Violence (Spain), Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality (Spain), Sociological Research Center (Spain). Spain Violence Against Women Macro Survey 2019. GHDx Entry last modified on: Nov 29, 2023