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Uganda National Service Delivery Survey 2004


General Info
Uganda (UGA)
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
03/2004 - 03/2004
Series or system 
Uganda National Service Delivery Survey
Data type
  • Health facility
  • Household
  • Inpatient
  • Interview

The 2004 National Service Delivery Survey (NSDS) was the second round of this data collection. It covered six major areas including education, health, water and sanitation, agriculture, transport and governance. Questionnaires were used for interviews with households and service providers.

The survey also covered various aspects of service provision including availability, accessibility, utilization, satisfaction, limiting factors and constraints.

A multi-stage cluster sampling was used. A total of 17,608 households were covered in the survey across all districts. Some households in the districts of Gulu, Lira, Katakwi, Kitgum and Pader were not enumerated due to insecurity. Some households in Karamoja region were not enumerated due to mobility of pastoralist communities.