NavGeneral InfoEmail Print Provider World Health Organization (WHO) Geography Angola (AGO) Argentina (ARG) Armenia (ARM) Azerbaijan (AZE) Bangladesh (BGD) Belarus (BLR) Benin (BEN) Bolivia (BOL) Burkina Faso (BFA) Cambodia (KHM) Cameroon (CMR) Central African Republic (CAF) Colombia (COL) Côte d'Ivoire (CIV) Democratic Republic of the Congo (COD) Ecuador (ECU) Eswatini (SWZ) Ethiopia (ETH) Fiji (FJI) Georgia (GEO) Ghana (GHA) Honduras (HND) Kenya (KEN) Lesotho (LSO) Madagascar (MDG) Mali (MLI) Mongolia (MNG) Mozambique (MOZ) Namibia (NAM) Nepal (NPL) Nicaragua (NIC) Niger (NER) Nigeria (NGA) Papua New Guinea (PNG) Paraguay (PRY) Philippines (PHL) Sudan (SDN) Togo (TGO) Uganda (UGA) Ukraine (UKR) United Republic of Tanzania (TZA) Viet Nam (VNM) Yemen (YEM) Zambia (ZMB) Zimbabwe (ZWE) View all Coverage type Country Time period covered 01/2019 - 12/2019 Series or system WHO Global Rotavirus and Invasive Bacterial Vaccine Preventable Diseases Sentinel Hospital Surveillance Network Data type Epi surveillance: Sentinel registration Keywords Medical tests, Meningitis Citation Contributors World Health Organization (WHO) Suggested citation World Health Organization (WHO). WHO Global IB-VPD Surveillance Network Suspected Meningitis 2019. GHDx Entry last modified on: Sep 17, 2024