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World Bank All the Ginis


General Info
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
01/1950 - 12/2008
Data type

Produced by Branko L. Milanovic at the Development Research Group, World Bank on the Inequality Around the World site, the All the Ginis dataset provides gini coefficients of income and consumption inequality compiled from 5 primary sources:

  1. Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) dataset (1967-2006)
  2. Socio-Economic Database for Latin America and the Caribbean (SEDLAC) (1981-2006)
  3. World Income Distribution (WYD) dataset (1980-2008)
  4. World Bank East and Central Europe (ECA) database (1990-2006)
  5. World Institute for Development Research WIDER (WIID1) dataset (1950-1998)