Mali Agricultural Survey Integrated to the 2017 Living Conditions of Households
General Info
Original or alternative title
Mali - Enquête Agricole de Conjoncture Intégrée aux Conditions de Vie des Ménages 2017 (EAC-I 2017)
Coverage type
Time period covered
August, 2017 - February, 2018
Series or system
Data type
Community - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Interview - Longitudinal - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative
The purpose of this survey was to forecast and estimate agricultural crop yields and household activities relating to agriculture. The data were also collected in order to inform agricultural policies and gain insight into household conditions.
Absenteeism, Agriculture, Assets, Child labor, Climate, Cooking fuels, Coping behavior, Corrective lenses, Crime, Crops, Dairy products, Diabetes, Diarrhea, Disasters, Domestic migration, Economics, Education, Electricity, Employment, Employment benefits, Environment, Ethnicity, Family composition, Family size, Fertilizers, Fishing, Health status, Hours worked, Household air pollution, Household expenditures, Household heat, Housing, Housing conditions, Housing materials, Income, Infrastructure, Injuries, Insecticide-treated bednets, International migration, Land ownership, Legumes, Lighting, Literacy, Livestock, Living conditions, Loans, Manufacturing, Marital status, Meat, Medicines, Meningitis, Milk, Nonprofits, Occupations, Pesticides, Poverty, Prices, Private social assistance, Public social assistance, Rainfall, Refrigeration, Religion, Roads, Sanitation, School enrollment, Sense organ diseases, Taxes, Telephones, Transportation, Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers, Unprocessed red meat, Vegetables, Violence, Water supply
Suggested citation
Government of Mali, Ministry of Agriculture (Mali), Ministry of Rural Development (Mali), World Bank. Mali Agricultural Survey Integrated to the 2017 Living Conditions of Households. Washington DC, United States of America: World Bank.