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Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS)

Series type 
Longitudinal survey
Multinational survey family
Time period 
1990 - present

The Living Standards Measurement Study is ongoing as of 2012. LSMS in general are living conditions surveys that provide data for conducting assessments of poverty. Most are nationally-representative, but some are subnational. The stated objective of the LSMS program is to improve the type and quality of household data collected in developing countries and to increase usage of those data for policy decision making. While not all LSMS are the same, many include anthropometric measurements, health status, fertility, and education in addition to employment, income and household expenditure sections. Many of the LSMS also include a community questionnaire to assess available community services and infrastructure, including health services.

Other survey projects of interest implemented by the LSMS team are the Living Standards Measurement Study - Integrated Surveys on Agriculture (LSMS-ISA) series and the COVID-19 High Frequency Phone Survey.

For more information on the LSMS program, particularly in the early years, refer to "A guide to living standards measurement study surveys and their data sets" by Margaret E. Grosh and Paul Glewwe, available from the World Bank Web site.

If you are looking for LSMS-type data, depending on your interest, you might search for household budget and income and expenditure data, data that cover health status and disability, or personal health expenditure data. 


Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) Dataset Records

Displaying 1 - 50 of 159

Uganda High-Frequency Phone Survey 2023 Round 15

COVID-19 High Frequency Phone Survey (HFPS) of Households 2023 Round 15
Survey: Household - Individual - Interview - Longitudinal - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Ethiopia High Frequency Phone Survey 2023 Round 17

Ethiopia COVID-19 High Frequency Phone Survey (HFPS) 2023 Round 17
Survey: Household - Individual - Interview - Longitudinal - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Tanzania National Panel Survey 2020-2022

National Panel Survey 2020-21, Wave 5 / TZA_2020_NPS-R5_v02_M
Survey: Community - Household - Individual - Interview - Longitudinal - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Malawi Integrated Household Survey 2019-2020

Fifth Integrated Household Survey 2019-2020 (IHS5)/ Malawi Living Standards Measurement Survey - Integrated Surveys on Agriculture 19/20 / Malawi IHS3 - Year: 4
Survey: Community - Cross-sectional - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Uganda National Panel Survey 2019-2020

National Panel Survey 2019-2020, Uganda, Wave/Year 8
Survey: Community - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Longitudinal

Malawi Integrated Household Panel Survey, Long-Term Panel, 2010-2019

Integrated Household Panel Survey 2010-2013-2016-2019 (Long-Term Panel, 102 EAs)
Survey: Community - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Longitudinal - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Nigeria Living Standards Survey 2018-2019

20108/19 NLSS
Survey: Cross-sectional - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Ethiopia Socioeconomic Survey 2018-2019 Baseline

Socioeconomic Survey 2018-2019, Ethiopia (ESS4)
Survey: Community - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Uganda National Panel Survey 2018-2019

UNPS 2018-2019 Year 7, Wave 7 / Uganda Living Standards Measurement Survey - Integrated Survey on Agriculture (LSMS-ISA) 2018-2019
Survey: Community - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Longitudinal

Ghana Living Standards Survey 2016-2017

Ghana Living Standards Survey (GLSS 7) 2017
Survey: Household - Individual - Interview - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Malawi Integrated Household Survey 2016-2017

Fourth Integrated Household Survey 2016-2017 (IHS4)/ Malawi Living Standards Measurement Survey - Integrated Surveys on Agriculture 16/17 / Malawi IHS3 - Year: 3
Survey: Community - Cross-sectional - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Ethiopia Socioeconomic Survey 2015-2016

Ethiopia Socioeconomic Survey (ESS) 2015-2016, Wave 3
Survey: Community - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Longitudinal - Nationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Malawi Integrated Household Panel Survey, Long-Term Panel, 2010-2016

Integrated Household Panel Survey 2010-2013-2016 (Long-Term Panel, 102 EAs)
Survey: Community - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Longitudinal - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Uganda National Panel Survey 2015-2016

UNPS 2015-2016, Year 5 / Uganda Living Standards Measurement Survey - Integrated Survey on Agriculture (LSMS-ISA) 2015-2016 / UNPS Wave 5
Survey: Community - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Longitudinal

Tanzania National Panel Survey 2014-2016

Tanzania NPS 2014-2015, Wave 4
Survey: Community - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Longitudinal - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Ethiopia Socioeconomic Survey 2013-2014

Ethiopia Socioeconomic Survey (ESS) 2013-2014, Wave 2
Survey: Community - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Interview - Longitudinal - Nationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Mali Agricultural Integrated Economic Survey 2014-2015

Enquête Agricole de Conjoncture Intégrée (EAC-1) 2014
Survey: Community - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Interview - Longitudinal - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Uganda National Panel Survey 2013-2014

UNPS Wave 4 2013-2014 / Living Standards Measurement Survey - Integrated Survey on Agriculture 2013-2014
Survey: Community - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Longitudinal

Malawi Integrated Household Survey 2013

Malawi Living Standards Measurement Survey - Integrated Surveys on Agriculture 2013/ Malawi IHS3 - Year: 2
Survey: GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Longitudinal - Nationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Ghana Living Standards Survey 2012-2013

Ghana Living Standards Survey 6 (With a Labour Force Module) 2012-2013, Round Six
Survey: Community - Cross-sectional - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Uganda National Panel Survey Wave III 2011-2012

UNPS Wave 3 2011-2012 / Uganda Living Standards Measurement Survey - Integrated Survey on Agriculture 2011-2012
Survey: Community - Household - Individual - Interview - Longitudinal - Nationally representative

Tanzania National Panel Survey 2010-2011

Tanzania National Panel Survey 2010-2011 (NPS Wave 2)
Survey: Community - Household - Individual - Interview - Longitudinal - Nationally representative

Uganda National Panel Survey 2010-2011

UNPS Wave II / Uganda Living Standards Measurement Survey - Integrated Survey on Agriculture 2010-2011
Survey: Community - Household - Individual - Interview - Longitudinal - Nationally representative
