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China Living Standards Measurement Survey 1995 and 1997


General Info
Original or alternative title 
China Living Standards Survey (CLSS) 1995-1997
China (CHN)
Hebei, Liaoning
Coverage type 
Time period covered 
07/1995 - 07/1997
Series or system 
Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) - World Bank
Data type
  • Household

The China Living Standards Survey (CLSS) 1995 and 1997 is actually two surveys, a household survey conducted in Hebei and Liaoning Provinces (northern and northeast China) in July 1995 and a village survey conducted in the same regions in July 1997. About 880 farm households were selected from a total of thirty-one sample villages for the household survey. Topics included business expenses, village services and enterprises, markets, migration, and labor. The surveys were a joint effort led by Mr. Bai Nan-Shang from RCRE, Loren Brandt from the University of Toronto, Paul Glewwe from the World Bank, and Scott Rozelle from Stanford University and the University of California at Davis.

The World Bank (WB) has released data for the two surveys together.