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United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

New York City

Dataset Records for United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

Displaying 101 - 150 of 199

Guinea-Bissau Population and Housing Census 2009

Terceiro Recenseamento Geral da População e Habitação de 2009
Census: Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Burkina Faso Population and Housing Census 2006

Recensement général de la population et de l’habitation de 2006
Census: De facto - De jure - Household - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Nicaragua Population and Housing Census 2005

Nicaragua Censo de Poblacion y Vivienda 2005
Census: De jure - Household - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Togo Key Health Indicators 2011

Principaux Indicateurs de Santé au Togo 2011
Report: Epi surveillance - Nationally representative - Outpatient - Subnationally representative

Togo Key Health Indicators 2008

Principaux Indicateurs de santé Année 2008
Report: Epi surveillance - Nationally representative - Outpatient - Subnationally representative

Mozambique Young Adult Reproductive Health Survey 2001 File icon

Inquérito Nacional Sobre Saúde Reprodutiva e Comportamento Sexual dos Jovens e Adolescentes (INJAD)-2001
Survey: Cross-sectional - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Burkina Faso Population and Housing Census 1996

Recensement général de la population et de l’habitation de 1996
Census: De facto - De jure - Household - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative


Displaying 101 - 150 of 576

Zimbabwe Demographic and Health Survey 2015

Survey: Cross-sectional - De jure - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Mali Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2015

Enquête par Grappes à Indicateurs Multiples 2015
Survey: Cross-sectional - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative - Verbal autopsy

Mozambique AIDS Indicator Survey 2015

Inquérito de Indicadores de Imunização, Malária e HIV/SIDA em Moçambique (IMASIDA) 2015
Survey: Cross-sectional - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Senegal Continuous Demographic and Health Survey 2015

Sénégal Enquête Démographique et de Santé Continue (EDS-Continue) 2015
Survey: Cross-sectional - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Chad Demographic and Health Survey 2014-2015

Enquête Démographique et de Santé et à Indicateurs Multiples au Tchad (EDS-MICS) 2014-2015
Survey: Cross-sectional - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Ghana Demographic and Health Survey 2014

Survey: Cross-sectional - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Lesotho Demographic and Health Survey 2014

Lesotho demographic and health survey (LDHS 2014)
Survey: Cross-sectional - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Cambodia Demographic and Health Survey 2014

Survey: Cross-sectional - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Kenya Demographic and Health Survey 2014

KDHS 2014
Survey: Cross-sectional - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Moldova Population and Housing Census 2014

Recensămîntul populației și al locuințelor 2014 (2014 RPL)
Census: De jure - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Egypt Demographic and Health Survey 2014

Survey: Cross-sectional - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Kyrgyzstan Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014

Многоиндикаторное кластерное обследование в Кыргызской Республике 2014
Survey: Cross-sectional - Household - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Guinea-Bissau Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2014

Guiné-Bissau Inquérito aos Indicadores Múltiplos 2014
Survey: Cross-sectional - De jure - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Senegal Continuous Demographic and Health Survey 2014

l’Enquête Démographique et de Santé Continue au Sénégal (EDS-Continue 2014)
Survey: Cross-sectional - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Togo Demographic and Health Survey 2013-2014

Enquête Démographique et de Santé Togo (EDST-III) 2013
Survey: Cross-sectional - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Yemen Demographic and Health Survey 2013

Yemen National Health and Demographic Survey (YNHDS) 2013
Survey: Cross-sectional - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative - Verbal autopsy

Vanuatu Demographic and Health Survey 2013

Vanuatu Demographic and Health Survey – Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (DHS–MICS) 2013
Survey: Cross-sectional - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Zambia Demographic and Health Survey 2013-2014

Survey: Cross-sectional - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Mauritania Population and Housing Census 2013

Recensement Général de la Population et de l’Habitat (RGPH2013)
Census: Household - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey 2013

Survey: Cross-sectional - GPS coordinates (GIS) - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Cambodia Intercensal Population Survey 2013

Cambodia Inter-censal Population Survey 2013
Survey: Cross-sectional - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Urban-rural representative

Niger Population and Housing Census 2012

Recensement Général de la Population et de l’Habitat (RGP / H) de 2012
Census: De facto - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative

Algeria Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2012-2013

Enquête par Grappes à Indicateurs Multiples (MICS) 2012-2013
Survey: Cross-sectional - Household - Individual - Interview - Nationally representative - Subnationally representative - Urban-rural representative
